Stories from the Hummiiverse: Professor POINTS! & The Daylight Savings Disaster...

stories from the hummiiverse
Professor POINTS! & The Daylight Savings Disaster...

POINTS! Labs – Midnight (Or 3 AM? Who the fudge knows?)
The lab is a chaotic dump of broken clocks, half-melted beakers, and gears that are somehow still ticking. In the middle of it all is Professor POINTS!, part mad scientist, part unhinged nutjob, rocking a lab coat that looks like it’s been through a bonfire and goggles so cracked he can barely see. He's fussing over his latest invention, the Temporal Transmogrifier—a DIY monstrosity that’s half toaster, half blender, and all “what the hell.”
Professor POINTS! (grumbling): "Just one more twist of this little bastard and—BAM! No more Daylight Savings Time. No more waking up wondering if it’s breakfast or yesterday’s dinner. Goodbye lost hours, you fudgin’ menace!"
But his tinkering doesn’t go unnoticed. Candy Corp’s top psycho, Mint Condition, has eyes everywhere. And he’s not about to let some wackjob professor ruin Candy Corp’s biggest racket:
keeping everyone disoriented and sugar-rabid with Daylight Savings.

Enter Mint Condition – The Frosted Fiend
Cut to a dark, icy lair where Mint Condition—a mint-green lunatic in a pinstripe suit with a peppermint grin—cracks his knuckles, glaring at his watch. His top hat, complete with a ticking clock face, gleams ominously. This guy lives for chaos, and Daylight Savings keeps everyone just pissed off enough to keep Candy Corp rolling in cash.
Mint Condition (sneering): "Professor POINTS!, you dumb little gumdrop, you really think you can mess with time? Without Daylight Savings, how would I keep the world in a daze, late to work, and craving more candy at every turn? It’s not just Daylight Savings, it’s Daylight Profit!"
He pulls out a sinister stopwatch and clicks it, opening a neon-blue portal. Smirking, he steps through, ready to teach the Professor a lesson in “time management.”
Back @ POINTS! Labs – The Sh*# Hits the Fan
Professor POINTS! finally flips the switch on the Temporal Transmogrifier. And naturally, all hell breaks loose. Time fractures, the clocks go haywire, and Professor POINTS! is yanked through a swirling time vortex, landing somewhere between the Cretaceous period and a 70s discotheque. He barely has time to realize he’s standing knee-deep in dinosaur sh*# when Mint Condition steps out of a portal, looking like he owns the place.
Mint Condition (arms crossed, smug): "Professor POINTS! Didn’t your mama ever teach you? Leave the time fudgery to the professionals."
Professor POINTS! (rolling his eyes): "Oh please, Mint, you candy-coated psychopath. I’m done with Daylight Savings, and I’m done with your clock-sucking a%&!"

The Great Time-Chase
Thus begins the wildest chase in snack history. Mint Condition and Professor POINTS! hop from era to era, leaving a trail of chaos, explosions, and candy guts.
One second, they’re at a neon-soaked disco in the 70s where Mint Condition tries to hypnotize the Professor with strobe lights, the next they’re dodging a prehistoric sugar-addicted T-Rex.
Blood? Yes.
Gore? Abso-fudging-lutely.
They run into La La's ancestor, casting spells that make zero sense, and Giggles' great-great-great-great-great grandpa, setting off stink bombs that almost get them both killed in medieval England.
Meanwhile, Ace is somehow in a background scene calculating the probability of Mint Condition’s hat exploding (spoiler: it’s high).
A Bloodbath in Ancient Egypt
The chase takes a detour through Ancient Egypt, where Mint Condition tries to drown the Professor in a pool of molten honey. Professor POINTS! retaliates by shoving a pyramid-sized gumdrop down Mint’s throat, which Mint barely coughs up while giving him the finger.
Mint Condition (choking, furious): "I’ll send you to snack hell, you twisted $%*#!"

Final Showdown: The Clock Tower of Eternity
The two finally reach the Clock Tower of Eternity, a towering inferno of ticking gears, rolling with rivers of syrup and running on enough sugar to fuel a century of dentist nightmares. Mint Condition perches at the top, clutching his pocket watch like the devil himself.
Mint Condition: "Game over, Professor! Time’s up!"
He smashes his watch, and every clock in the tower goes haywire, deleting weekends, skipping lunches, and erasing entire days from the POINTS! universe. People start forgetting their own birthdays, and every Monday is suddenly twice as long.
Professor POINTS!, half-mad and fully pissed, pulls out his Temporal Transmogrifier, cranks it to “Maximum Chocolatey KRUNCH,” and hurls it straight into the tower’s main gear.
Professor POINTS! (snarling): "You wanted chaos? Here’s a taste of your own sugar-fueled insanity!"
The Transmogrifier detonates in a rainbow-colored firestorm, and Mint Condition is sent screaming into a swirling vortex of shredded clocks, raining candy guts everywhere.
He’s catapulted straight to the “Land of Forgotten Holiday Candies,” where he’s condemned to an eternity with stale candy corn, fruitcakes, and rejected lollipops.
Professor POINTS! (dusting off): "Enjoy the timeless torture, you peppermint prick."
Epilogue: A Clock That’s Still Fudged Up
Professor POINTS! returns to his lab, only to find that all the clocks are still one hour ahead. He shrugs, grabs a soda, and heads to lunch, muttering something about never letting clocks ruin his snack time again.
Author Profile

Professor POINTS!
Professor POINTS! is a mad scientist from the not too distant future. He's traveled back in time to warn of the dangers that come from an unchecked Emma M & "Big Candy".